BC4E prioritizes fairness, ensuring equal opportunities for all players,
regardless of skill level, gender, or sociability.
Flexible Club ModesBC4E supports three modes: Auto, Sync, and Async.
Switch modes as needed to suit your club's requirements.
Smart Match MakingBC4E optimizes matches based on player levels, genders, and history.
It also considers club policies like Mixed Doubles ratio and gender balance.
Simulation of Club RunsSimulate club runs in seconds to test match arrangements
without the need for actual play. Review detailed reports for accuracy.
Analyze match statistics to assess player performance
and overall match quality in terms of skill level and gender balance.
Flexible OptionsAdjust settings for social balance, match quality, and user type policies.
Control Mixed Doubles ratio, court allocation, and sub-clubs.
Sensitive Data ProtectionProtect sensitive data like skill levels, user types, and club fees
by setting a password for the default "admin" account.
Simple User InterfaceBasic operations include Double Click, Click to select, and Right Click.
Double Click is used for frequent actions like signing in or out.
Lock Up Signing InPrevent unpaid players from signing in. Long-term members
remain unaffected by the lock-up feature.
Data Import/ExportExport all club data (users, players, matches, and statistics)
to .CSV files for analysis or migration to other systems.
Club Fee Calculation & AlertAutomatically calculate club fees and alert players
who need to pay for their visit.
International LanguageBC4E supports all Windows languages. Add new languages by creating
a subfolder under ".\language\" and translating "BC4E_Used_Strings.txt".